How to Choose the Perfect Dissertation Title


15th November 2023

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Writing a dissertation can be a daunting task, but one of the first and most important steps is choosing a title. A well-chosen title can not only help you stay focused on your research question but also communicate the significance of your work to the reader. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips on how to choose the perfect dissertation title. 

Start Early

Giving your dissertation a title early on can help to remind you of your argument and what you want to demonstrate to the reader. It can also help you stay focused on your research question and avoid going off on tangents. Starting early will give you plenty of time to refine your title as your research progresses.

Be Descriptive and Explanatory

A good dissertation title should be descriptive and explanatory rather than general. It should give the reader a clear idea of what your dissertation is about and what you are trying to achieve. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may not be familiar to the reader.

Be Precise

Precision is key when it comes to choosing a dissertation title. Your title should be specific enough to convey the scope of your research but not so specific that it becomes unwieldy. Be sure to include important components or aspects of your research strategy, such as the nature of your study, and your methodology. 

If you’re unsure about what to include or need some personalised guidance, let us know. Our expert academics can help you with everything from choosing a title to writing a dissertation chapter.

Avoid Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviations and acronyms can be confusing for the reader, so it’s best to avoid them in your title. If you must use an abbreviation or acronym, be sure to spell it out the first time you use it in your dissertation.

Use a Colon to Separate Two Parts

A simple way to write a dissertation title is to set out two parts separated by a colon. The first part should be a general statement about the topic of your research, while the second part should be a more specific statement about your research question or argument. For example, “The Impact of Climate Change on Coral Reefs: A Case Study in the Great Barrier Reef.”

Get Feedback

Before finalising your title, it’s a good idea to get feedback from your supervisor or other experts in your field. They can help you refine your title and ensure that it accurately reflects the content and scope of your dissertation.

Keep it Concise

While it’s important to be descriptive and precise in your title, it’s also important to keep it concise. Aim for a title that is no longer than 15 words. A shorter title is easier to remember and more likely to grab the reader’s attention.

A Winning Title for Your Dissertation

Choosing the perfect dissertation title is an important step in the dissertation writing process. By following these tips, you can ensure that your title accurately reflects the content and scope of your dissertation and communicates the significance of your work to the reader.

Stuck with your dissertation title? My Private Essay supports students in achieving improved grades by connecting them with world-class academics who can help them unlock their full academic potential. We have assisted many students in crafting titles for dissertations – let us help you too. Fill out the form telling us your requirements.